If you are a South African resident, South African law may provide you with certain rights with regard to your personal information under the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”) and Promotion of Access to Information Act (“PAIA”) as well the Consumer Protection Act. Throughout this Privacy Policy you will find information required by POPIA regarding the categories of personal information collected from you; the purposes for which we use personal information, and the categories of third parties your data may be shared with. This information is current as of the date of the Policy and is applicable in the 12 months preceding the effective date of the Policy.
As a South African resident, the POPIA and PAIA provide you the ability to make inquiries regarding to your personal information. Specifically, the degree to which the information is not already provided in this Privacy Policy, you have the right to request disclosure or action your personal information, including:
You may submit a request regarding your rights under POPIA or PAIA by submitting a requestor by contacting us at one of the following:
If we receive a POPIA request from you, we will first make a determination regarding the applicability of the law, and we will then take steps to verify your identity prior to responding. The steps to verify your identity may vary based on our relationship with you, but, at a minimum, it will take the form of confirming and matching the information submitted in the request with information already held by OneTap Group and/or contacting you through previously used channels to confirm that you submitted the request (i.e. confirming identity through contact information that we have on file, and/or the contact information submitted to make the request).
OneTap Group does not knowingly collect or process the special personal information such as your religious or philosophical beliefs, race or ethnic origins, trade union memberships, political persuasion, health or sex life, or your criminal behaviour or biometric information.
If you have a comment, question, or complaint about how we are processing your personal information, we hope that you contact us at
info@onetapgroup.org in order to allow us to resolve the matter. In addition, if you are located in the Republic of South Africa, you may submit a complaint regarding the processing of your personal information to the Information Regulator at the following link: